Kira Romero, BSN, RN
School Address: 3050 S. Vrain Denver, CO 80236
Office: 720-424-4532
Fax: 720-424-4545
There are 19 locations in DPS facilities throughout Denver. DPS School Based Health Clinics
*If you have insurance, check you insurance card for your 24 hour advice line.
If you are having an emergency of any kind, call 911, go to the emergency room or use the resources below:
Medications and emergency care plan orders must be completed at the beginning of each school year. The school nurse is not allowed to dispense (or store) any medication, including Tylenol or Ibuprofen, unless a physician (or provider) has completed the appropriate order.
Vaccines are REQUIRED for students attending school, under Colorado Law, unless an exemption is filed. Vaccine (or immunization) records should be filed with the school nurse at the beginning of each school year, or with any new vaccine administrations.
All exemptions must be reported and filed with the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) and the school nurse. Non-medical exemptions need to be filed annually at the start of each school year. Medical exemptions only need to be filed once, unless the student’s information or school changes. CDPHE exemption forms