Message from the Principal

Dear Sabin Parents and Guardians:

Welcome to Sabin World Elementary School. I am proud of our dedicated, experienced staff and enthusiastic Sabin Stallion Learners!

As demands and complexities of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we all need to work together to insure that our children reach their potential. I believe that all of us – the school and the community – must work together in an extended family environment to insure success for all our students. I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to empower children with the creative, intellectual, and decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically, and emotionally successful and responsible.

As an IB school, we are grounded in the IB Learner Profiles and Attitudes. All Sabin students and Staff are diving deep into these during daily breakfast, along with our social emotional curriculum – Brainwise. Please ask your child(ren) what they talk about at breakfast each day! We are building a strong and supportive community for all Sabin Stallions.

With that in mind, you are invited to be an active participant at Sabin. Whether you are a classroom volunteer, a member of the PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association), Collaborative School Committee (CSC), or helping with special events, you are encouraged to be involved!  Research on schools clearly demonstrates that parent participation in their child’s school coincides with a greater likelihood of academic success for their child.

It is our desire to keep you informed of all that is taking place at school. Up-to-date and additional information will be sent to you though the weekly Thursday Newsletter emails, as well as via the Sabin Web Page, and Sabin Facebook Page.

If you have questions or concerns that arise at any time, please do not hesitate to give your child’s teacher or me a call. I look forward to having a long and rewarding relationship with you and your family.


Kirsten Frassanito, Principal

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